1. Jesus died for all of our past, present, and future sins.
The Reformation gospel of Protestantism teaches that Jesus' death on the cross and the shedding of His blood is an "atonement" or "covering", not only for past sins, but for any sin a believer may commit in the future. According to this gospel, this "covering" is necessary so that when God looks on the believer, He doesn't see sin, He sees the righteousness of Christ.
Here is why this is false: The New Testament makes no reference anywhere of Jesus' death being a "covering". The "atonement" is an Old Testament concept and refers to the Law's function as a "guardian" until the "Promise" came. (Galatians 3:22-24) That Promise is Jesus Christ! When Jesus died, He ended the Law and with it, its ability to condemn. Believers are born of God; new creatures who are not "under law". The apostle Paul taught that where there is no law there is no sin. (Romans 5:13) Since believers are no longer "under law", they can no longer sin. There is no law to condemn them. Because the law is ended for believers, we no longer need a guardian. (Galatians 3:25) Jesus died for your past sins only! For the believer, there are no present or future sins. There is no condemnation for believers! (Romans 8:1) |