2. Jesus obeyed the law perfectly so that His righteousness can be imputed to us.
The Reformation gospel of Protestantism teaches that the standard of righteousness is perfect law-keeping. According to this gospel, because of man's metaphysical depravity he is unable to keep the Law. But because of Jesus' perfect law-keeping, His righteousness is imputed to believers. Therefore, believers are not righteous as a state of being, they are simply "declared righteous" (forensic justification).
Here is why this is false: The Bible teaches that righteousness is apart from the Law (Romans 3:21, 28). To say that believers are "declared righteous" by virtue of some vicarious imputation of Jesus' righteousness is an attempt to make Law the standard for righteousness. This is not righteousness apart from the Law. Furthermore, the Bible never states that believers have the righteousness of Christ. The standard for righteousness is the New Birth! When a person believes on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is born again, literally "born from above". When that happens, a believer inherits his very own righteousness from God because the old man who was "under law" has died, and in his place is a new creature who is the righteous offspring of the Father! And since this new creature is born of the Father, he is not under law. And since he is not under law, he CANNOT sin (1 John 3:9), because where there is no law, there is no sin! |